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A Protocol Data Unit is a block of data that is independent of packet boundaries. For stream based protocols the PDU is the meaningful unit of data. PDUs do not respect packet boundaries at all. Unsniff tracks all PDUs in addition to packets, this allows for powerful stream based protocol analysis capabilities. The PDU object represents a single PDU present in the capture file.


IDLongReadEach PDU is assigned a unique ID by Unsniff
ProtIDStringReadThe Protocol GUID of the PDU. Each protocol in Unsniff must have a unique GUID. The string returned in a GUID in the registry format
NameStringReadThe Name of the PDU. In most cases, this is the protocol name of the PDU.
DescriptionStringRead/WriteThe text description of the PDU. Your script can also change the description based on your analysis.
SenderAddressStringReadThe network address of the Sender of this PDU. This is a network name if this address has been resolved to a name.
ReceiverAddressStringReadThe network address of the Receiver of this PDU. This is a network name if this address has been resolved to a name
TimestampStringReadThe time this PDU was created. The time is returned in a string. The format of the time is determined by the current Windows Locale settings
TimestampSecsLongReadThe seconds’ part of the PDU create timestamp. This number returns the number of seconds since midnight January 1, 1900
TimestampUSecsLongReadThe microseconds part of the PDU create timestamp.
LengthLongReadThe length (in bytes) of this PDU
FieldsCollectionReadThis collection object contains all the fields in the PDU.
RawDataStringReadA hex dump of this PDU.


This object does not define any methods

unsniff/objectref/pdu.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/11 23:23 (external edit)
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