' pktcopy - Copies  given packets from file-1 to file-2

' -----------------------
' Check usage & arguments
' -----------------------
Set Sout = WScript.StdOut
if WScript.Arguments.Count <> 3 then
	Sout.WriteLine "Usage: pktcopy <packets-csv> <from-filename> <to-filename>"
end if
PacketsCSV    = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
FromFile      = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
ToFile        = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
Set FromDB = CreateObject("Unsniff.Database")
Set ToDB   = CreateObject("Unsniff.Database")
Set FSO	   = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FileExists (ToFile) Then
End If
Dim PktIdxArray 
PktIdxArray = Split(PacketsCSV, ",", -1, 1)
' Save the specified packets to the target DB
Set Packets = FromDB.PacketIndex
For I = 0 To UBound ( PktIdxArray) 
	Set Packet  = Packets(I)
	ToDB.AddPacket (Packet)
Sout.WriteLine "Saved in " & ToFile
Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())
	Dim NumWords, a()
	NumWords = 0
	Dim NumSeps
	NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)
		Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
		SepPosition = 0
		SepIndex    = -1
		for i = 0 to NumSeps-1
			' Find location of separator in the string
			Dim pos
			pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))
			' Is the separator present, and is it closest to the beginning of the string?
			If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
				SepPosition = pos
				SepIndex    = i
			End If
		' Did we find any separators?	
		If SepIndex < 0 Then
			' None found - so the token is the remaining string
			redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
			a(NumWords) = TokenString
			' Found a token - pull out the substring		
			Dim substr
			substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1))
			' Add the token to the list
			redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
			a(NumWords) = substr
			' Cutoff the token we just found
			Dim TrimPosition
			TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
			TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))
		End If	
		NumWords = NumWords + 1
	loop while (SepIndex >= 0)
	Tokenize = a
End Function
unsniff/samples/pktcopy/vbs.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/11 23:23 (external edit)
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