Click on a thumbnail to view a large size image. Images will open in a separate window.
Streams Sheet Unsniff features full stream analysis. Analysis entire TCP/IP sessions as a single high level entity.
Layout Design Mode Fully customize the visual packet display
User Objects Sheet Unsniff can extract high-level "objects of interest" from the network in real-time. Here you can see an entire HTML page that was accessed including inline images, flash, and stylesheets
TCP Ladder Diagram Look at TCP sessions in depth
Display Filter Wizard Create powerful display filters in a snap
Access Points Customize how protocols interact with each other
Statistics Sheets Single window that displays all important traffic stats including protocol heirarchy, top-n conversations, and bandwidth
Top-N conversations panel Monitor top Ethernet, IP, IPv6 layers conversations in real time. Also view historical top conversations
Japanese screenshot Unsniff can be easily translated into other languages.